Stroud Housing Commons looking for tenants for its first house

At Stroud Housing Commons, we’re looking for a tenant for our first house – and you can add yourself to the waiting list for future commons houses.

Express your interest.

What is Stroud Housing Commons?

A housing commons is a partnership with different classes of member – including tenants, investors, stewards (members who are paid to manage the scheme and maintain the properties) and ‘custodians’, who make sure that commons principles are adhered to. It’s a way of providing good-quality, affordable housing with secure tenancies. Houses in a housing commons are owned by the community in perpetuity, not by individuals or businesses (even co-operative businesses) or the state / local authority.

Stroud is the first place in the country to use commons principles plus a new funding model to bring housing into community ownership without mortgages or debt to the banking system.

More information on housing commons.

What’s the house like?

It’s a three-bedroom terraced house in one of the most popular roads in Stroud, walking distance from the High Street and train station, 2-minutes walk from a great pub, with great views from the top floor and beautiful countryside walks from the end of the street.

More info here.

What are the benefits for tenants?

As there’s no profit for landlords involved, rents (and deposits) are affordable. Tenants become full members of the commons, and can participate in decision-making. This means security of tenure (no notices to quit in 2 months). Tenancies can be passed on to kids.

Future houses

From next year, Stroud Housing Commons will be producing portfolios for investors, to bring in money to buy more properties. But housing commons groups will remain small and human scale. Rather than continuing to grow, each housing commons group will generate more local groups, so that each neighbourhood can have its own housing commons.

Put yourself on the waiting list here.

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5 responses to “Stroud Housing Commons looking for tenants for its first house”

  1. Naomi Seffar Avatar
    Naomi Seffar

    Hello Dave and Amrit, how are you both? I am excited to hear that the property in Horn’s Road is now ready for tenants. My daughter Narjiss Seffar and her boyfriend George Stevens have filled in an application. I support them in this and hope very much that they will be considered. They are expecting their first baby in May and are currently living in a studio flat (one room and first floor). They need to find alternative accommodation and this would be perfect. I am hoping that they may be able to move in the New Year.
    Please let us know if we can provide further information and excellent references.
    Best wishes, Naomi Seffar

    1. Dave Darby Avatar

      Hi Naomi. I’ve shown your comment to the steward group. They sound ideal. This is just a first stage. They’re working through applications now, and they’re using criteria to filter to ask for stage 2 in the new year. Good luck but there are a lot of applicants, so can’t guarantee anything. Cheers. Dave

  2. Jeanne James Avatar

    Hello, your site wouldn’t allow me to subscribe. Could you contact me please?

    1. Dave Darby Avatar

      Hi Jeanne – sent you an email.

  3. Nicholas Chamberlain-Kent Avatar
    Nicholas Chamberlain-Kent

    Sounds very interesting and intriguing