Growing and Feeding: you’re invited to a meeting about food in Stroud

Nick Weir of Stroud Commons land/food/water group and the Open Food Network would like to invite you to a meeting of growers and distributors to create a pathway for increasing demand, funding, land, sharing equipment, labour and expertise.

Date and time

Sunday, January 21, 2024 · 1 – 4:30pm GMT


Trinity Rooms, Stroud, UK, GL5 2HZ


Free – book your place here.

More information

Please can you help us to help you to:

  • Sell more high quality, local food to more customers/members/shoppers/eaters/buyers
  • Raise funding that we would not be eligible for individually
  • Buy and share equipment, have more kit available and reduce everyone’s capital costs
  • Share labour and expertise – both for big farm projects and regular work that needs more hands
  • Have more land available to grow/raise/process food for local eaters and buyers

As the Land, Food and Water group of Stroud Commons we are people who are part of the network of amazing projects that make the Stroud District such a strong local food system.  But we want it to be even stronger and feed more people as the world moves into increasingly uncertain times,  So we are calling together anyone who is interested in growing, rearing or processing food in the Stroud District to plan how we can be stronger together. 

Please come and work with us to set up new ways of working that will benefit us all.  We have some ideas that we would like to discuss with you and we want to hear from all of you about what you need and any ideas you have for addressing some of the points above. 

On Sunday afternoon 21st January we will be working with whoever comes along to address these issues.  You will have a chance to work on as many of these areas as you like or just focus on one or two.  We will end the day by firming up a clear action plan to move these issues forward.

Please let us know if there are other issues you would like to add to the list above.  Please also pass on this invitation to others who may be interested

Click here to book your place at the Trinity Rooms, Field Road Stroud from 1pm to 4.30pm.  We will be providing a soup lunch on a pay as you feel basis.  Other food and drink contributions welcome but not necessary

Any questions please call Nick on 01453 840037or 07957 405208

Thanks and best wishes

The Stroud Commons Land, Food and Water team

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One response to “Growing and Feeding: you’re invited to a meeting about food in Stroud”

  1. Dave Darby Avatar

    We are very pleased to have 20 sign-ups for this workshop. Because we are using a free version of Eventbrite we can only give out 25 tickets so we want everyone to know that you are welcome to come to the workshop without signing up on Eventbrite. We have lots of capacity at the Trinity Rooms and the more the merrier. We are looking forward to working with you. However, if you have not booked a free ticket on Eventbrite and would like to join us, please contact us so that we know how much soup to make!
