Climbing is coming to Stroud! Latest news

There’s been further progress behind the scenes. Here’s the latest.

Thank you for reading!

Hello Climbers!

An update on Climbing Commons activity over the past days/weeks:

Upcoming Milestones:

20th June – We will let the landlord know that we want the unit and get the ball rolling with lease signing.
1st July – All being well we’ll get the keys for the unit and can make a start on prep work for wall build.
1st August
– Target open date for phase one!

We have developed the design through consultations generously given through Impact, Climbing Collective, 270 Climbing, Adam Fidler. And Oli Lewis of Gritstone Design providing structural survey and design, he has verbally given us the green light!

Route Setting:
As above we have had several consultations and we have had more input from the community both in-person and via the Whatsapp Community Channel. Please join in the discussion.

We propose to sign the Lease on 20th June so we can start to place orders for holds and mats!

We will start the build in July, once we have received final structural drawings from Gritstone.

We have a healthy amount of members so far, both in the “Occasional” and the “Unlimited” user camps, we are also exploring the idea of a “Token” system for the more occasional climber.

We are entirely volunteer run! In the coming weeks and months we will be calling out for more, so please do bear this in mind, if you can help, come forward! 

Whatsapp Community Channel:
please join this if you want to be a part of things, there are several channels to get involved with!

We are currently applying for grants and outside funding, and have enough operating capital to get the pilot wall going! There will likely be a phased approach to the building as our cash situation improves and funding comes through.

We are still in the process of securing insurance for the bouldering activities, we are proposing to allow some unmanned climbing, but it may transpire that this is uninsurable. In any case we envisage having a trained group of volunteers that can oversee the manned opening hours allowing more casual users.

We had a productive meeting at Fresh Standard Brew Co (who will be our neighbours…) everyone had amazing ideas, insight, enthusiasm and energy to bring to the project. There will be more socials to come and we will try to make these as accessible as possible, however, juggling work, family and existing commitments is difficult for us all!

Thank you for staying in touch with the project and for all the input so far, please keep spreading the news, Climbing is coming to Stroud!

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