At Stroud Housing Commons, we’re looking for a tenant for our first house – and you can add yourself to the waiting list for future commons houses. Express your interest. What is Stroud Housing Commons? A housing commons is a partnership with different classes of member – including tenants, investors, stewards (members who are paid…
So, the first ‘Festival of Commoning’ happened in Stroud on Sep 13 & 14. This is a short report from one festival-goer, Dr Laura James. Next week, we’ll post a round-up by festival organisers, with thoughts, invitations for next year, more images and videos of presentations. Earlier in September I was in Stroud, for the…
When I’ve had conversations about the commons with right-leaning people (and sometimes cynical people on the left too), a typical response might be something along the lines of: ‘don’t waste your time trying to build a more democratic, sustainable or peaceful society. It won’t work, because humans are inherently selfish, greedy and competitive’. This Darwinian…
At the Festival of Commoning (Sep 13-14, in Stroud), our Stroud Commons group has a one-hour slot on the Saturday morning (10am, Trinity Rooms). I’m going to give an overview of commons ideas, and there will be representatives of the housing, land, energy and climbing groups to talk about what’s happening in their groups. Then…
Dave Darby of Stroud Commons and talks with Tom Woodroof of Local Loop Merseyside and Mutual Credit Services about the Credit Commons – a way to federate different groups all over the world that are building the commons economy (because you can’t get everything you need from just your community) – but it does…
This is Part 2 of a two-parter, about how the housing crisis causes debt-bondage and wage-slavery, and how the housing Commons can release people from debt and give them freedom to do what they know needs to be done. Part 1: the housing crisis. Let’s look now at the Housing Commons: How the housing commons…